I'm trying to restrict the ability of a user to initiate or accept certain actions by trapping the "on" event, but have not been able to trigger any of my attempted script snippets.

In particular, I wish to trap all DCC requests from a remote user, as well as INVITEs and new QUERY windows.

I recognize that I may not quite correctly understand the access levels for DCC and OPEN events, and may have misinterpreted the functioning of these triggers, so bear with my mistakes.

Here are samples of the non-working script snippets:

;;-- triggered by incoming QUERY
on *:open:?:*:{
.echo on OPEN $1-
close -m $nick

;;-- triggered by incoming DCC chat
on *:open:=:{
.echo on OPEN $1-
dcc reject
close -ic $nick

;;-- triggered by incoming DCC SEND requests
ctcp *:send:?:{
.echo ctcp SEND $1-
dcc reject
close -is $nick

In no case do the echos display, which is the basis for my question about how the events are triggered, when, and why.

thanks in advance