I think I'd recommend a hash table if you plan to add a lot of words. If it's only a few, then an the above works fine.... except that you'd probably want $1 in the alias instead of $1- if you're using single words.

A quick way (and it might work better combining it with regex...

on *:input:*: {
  if (!$ctrlenter && !$inpaste && $left($1,1) != $readini(mirc.ini,text,commandchar)) {
    var %text = $1-, %t = $numtok($1-,32)
    while (%t) {
      var %text = $iif($hget(Spelling,$gettok(%text,%t,32)),$replace(%text,$gettok(%text,%t,32),$v1),%text)
      dec %t
    msg $active %text

alias CreateSpelling {
  if (!$hget(Spelling)) {
    hmake Spelling 10
    if ($exists(Spelling.hsh)) { hload Spelling Spelling.hsh }

menu * {
  .Load Spelling:CreateSpelling
  .Add Word:hadd Spelling $$?="Enter misspelled word" $$?="Enter correct spelling"
  .Remove Word:hdel Spelling $$?="Enter the misspelled word you want to remove"

Note that you may also want to throw in some checks for punctuation as this won't match "dont" if it has punctuation next to it (e.g. "dont!"). This was just a quick thing I put together to give a general idea of how it works. It lets you add as many words as you want to with just a right click menu without editing the script at all.

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