(untested scribble)
; start offline timer to trigger "removeidlers"-alias every 30s
on *:start: .timerremoveidlers 0 30 removeidlers
on *:unload: .timerremoveidlers off

alias removeidlers {

  ; ######## SETUP START ########
  ; channels (separated by comma) 
  var %chans = #help,#anotherchannel
  ; max. idle duration (in seconds) 
  var %limit = 420
  ; kick delay (in milliseconds) 
  var %delay = 500
  ; ######## SETUP END ########

  ; create a clean temp file
  var %f = removeidlers.txt
  write -c $qt(%f)
  ; loop channels
  var %c = 1
  while ($gettok(%chans,%c,44)) {
    ; able to kick
    if ($me isop $v1) {
      ; loop users of that chan
      var %chan = $v2, %n = 1
      while ($nick(%chan,%n,r)) {
        var %nick = $v1
        ; if idle of that user exceeds idle limit: write kick command to temp file
        if ($nick(%chan,$v1).idle > %limit) { write $qt(%f) kick %chan %nick Please don't idle in %chan }
        inc %n
    inc %c
  ; any lines in temp file
  if ($lines(%f)) { 
    ; play commands with specified delay to status window and remove tempfile
    .play -pcs $qt(%f) %delay 
    .remove $qt(%f)
Note that it's set to kick "regular" idle users only

Last edited by Horstl; 10/05/10 01:16 PM.