I have a list of files with different extensions in a custom window. Using a menu I can grab the filename and use /run to view the file e.g.
menu @window {
  dclick: {
    %file = $line(@window,$1,1)
    viewfile %file

The viewfile alias could become quite long if I have to accommodate every file extension registered on the computer.
alias viewfile {
  %extension = $gettok($1,2,46)
  if %extension == txt { run notepad.exe $1 }
  if %extension == jpg { run thumbsplus.exe $1 }
  if %extension == mp3 { run winamp.exe $1 }
I would like to be able to doubleclick the file and have mirc invoke the correct program for viewing/playing/editing the file.
Any hints?

Regard the code above as pseudocode. I haven't tested it, but I hope you get the picture.


Just because it never happened doesn't mean it isn't true.