I've tested the following configuration:

- mIRC 7.02 with IPv6 enabled
- My Windows 7 computer with IPv6 enabled, but the router is not sending out any router advertisements. It's like any other computer in a regular IPv4-only network. Teredo is enabled. I believe this should be the same as a 7 installation out of the box.

I haven't tested Windows XP because I don't have access to a computer running it.

Connecting to irc.efnet.org (dual stacked) worked. It connected over IPv4. No connection issues. After receiving an IPv6 address it was still possible to connect, but it used an IPv6 server instead.

I tested /DNS with and without an IPv6 address on the host.

With IPv6 enabled in mIRC and Windows 7 but without an address:

/DNS irc.efnet.org: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to
/DNS -4 irc.efnet.org: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to
/DNS -6 irc.efnet.org: Dns unable to resolve address irc.efnet.org

/DNS efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns resolved efnet.xs4all.nl to
/DNS -4 efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to
/DNS -6 efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns unable to resolve address efnet.xs4all.nl

With IPv6 enabled in mIRC and Windows 7 but with an address (native IPv6):

/DNS irc.efnet.org: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to 2001:19f0:1004:5123:0:dead:beef:cafe
/DNS -4 irc.efnet.org: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to
/DNS -6 irc.efnet.org: Dns resolved irc.efnet.org to 2001:470:0:6667::2

/DNS efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns resolved efnet.xs4all.nl to 2001:888:0:2::2
/DNS -4 efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns resolved efnet.xs4all.nl to
/DNS -6 efnet.xs4all.nl: Dns resolved efnet.xs4all.nl to 2001:888:0:2::2

It works as expected.