
I have this script which was kindly made for me for a game I play so when i'm ingame I can type
@^!msg <message>
in the admin chat and it would get echo'd by the server bots and say the message ingame. However it appears anyone can use it apart from me, so I was wondering if theres a way so only a certain ingame nick can use it?

The original code is here:
on *:text:*:#CHANNELNAME: {
  if ($nick ishop $chan) && ($regex($nick,/^N[aeiou]w[aeiou]n[aeiou]$/i)) {
    if ($regex($1-,/^\*{3} Admin \S+ \(ID:\d+\): \^(.+)/S)) { msg $chan $regml(1) }

and the original topic can be found here

If anyone can help me, i'd be really greatful

Kind regards