Well, I made it work without mirc option 'cancel away on activity'.

In my away system if you get auto away it now cancel away on activity, and not with mirc option, it's scripted. If I choose to set myself away with the Away System I dont want cancel away on activity.

BUT, there is 1 fault in the script (anyone tell me if they see any others).
If I get disconnected from server without using /quit (in this case: [10053] Software caused connection abort) and when the script connects again it sets me away 10 +/- times and then everything is ok (problem is just while reconnecting). Its annoying to get all the echos and the fact that there is actually a fault in the script. smile

away.system.auto {
  if %away.system == off && %away.system.auto == on {
    set -u %autoaw 1 | set -u %aw | set -u %naw | scon -at1 aw
    if (!$away) && (%autoaw) && (!%aw) {
      scon -at1 away %away.system.auto.message
      echo.mode You have been automatically marked as being away after $duration(%away.system.auto.check,2) of idle
      titlebar - [Away: Auto]
    if (!%autoaw) && (%aw) {
      scon -at1 away
      echo.mode Away has automatically been turned off

aw {
  if ($idle < %away.system.auto.check) { set -k %autoaw 0 | if ($away) set -k %aw 1 | else set -k %naw 1 }
  if ($idle > %away.system.auto.check) { set -k %autoaw 1 | if ($away) set -k %aw 0 | else set -k %naw 0 }

Last edited by Deep3D; 09/04/10 01:36 AM.