Ok, I COULD be wrong here, but I DONT THINK you can deop an address. Maybe try this:

if ($1) && ($me isop $chan) && ($active ischan) {
var %x = $address($1,3)
var %y = $address($1,9)
var %z = $address($1,7)
mode $chan -o+bbb $1 $1 $replace($address($1,9),2,?,4,?,6,?,8,?,0,?) $replace($address($1,7),a,?,e,?,o,?,i,?,u,?)
ECHO $colour(info) -at *** $chr(91) $+ Triban successfully on $1 $+ $chr(93)

Also, something else I noticed:


replace wont work like that. %x/%y/%z wont do ($1,3) etc. Try using this instead:

mode $chan -o+bbb $1 $replace(%x,1,?,3,?,5,?,7,?,9,?) $replace(%y,2,?,4,?,6,?,8,?,0,?) $replace(%z,a,?,e,?,o,?,i,?,u,?)

Those who fail history are doomed to repeat it