alias idle_chk {
var %idl_ = $scon(0)
while (%idl_) {
echo -s . $scon(%idl_).network idle time is $scon(%idl_).idle
echo -s . You are $iif(!$scon(%idl_).away,not) away on $scon(%idl_).network .

;make scon id active to check its channels
scon %idl_

;set vars for total channels
var %ch_ = $chan(0), %ch
while (%ch_) {
;set var to save channel name instead of using $chan(%ch_) every time.
%ch = $chan(%ch_)

echo -a . %ch idle: $chan(%ch_).idle
echo -a . %ch away: $chan(%ch_).away

dec %ch_

dec %idl_

It wouldn't let me edit this and I found I named the variable wrong in the while statement. When writign loops there is the chance that you mess up and it start an infinite loop. If this happens press ctrl + Pause/Break.