Well, you can strip off anything before !player by using $left() and $pos(). Use $pos() to get the position of !player and use $left() to remove everything before the value $pos() returns. Then, strip off quotation marks and tokenize the results. This will once again make $2 the correct value.

I can't test this and don't make much use of $pos(), so it likely has errors, but this is the basic idea:

on *:text:*!player*:#: {
  var %pos = $pos($1-,!player)
  var %text = $left($1-,- $+ %pos)
  tokenize 32 %text
  if ($sock(!player)) .sockclose !player
  set %heraldchan $chan
  set %heraldnick $nick
  set %heraldplayer $2
  sockopen !player herald.uthgard-server.net 80

Last edited by Riamus2; 16/02/10 02:21 PM.

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