I've been puzzling around this for quite some time, so I figured I might ask around here...
I'm currently trying to create a small DLL that makes use of Windows 7 features such as the Thumbnail Toolbar (see this image to get the idea).
So far, I got pretty much everything in place (adding the buttons, relaying the clicks back to mIRC)...except button images.

Other DLLs seem to use Picture windows to get their icons, so I thought I'll just go ahead and try the same.
$window(@picwin).hwnd gets me the HWND of it, but I was having troubles getting the actual content - my tries so far ended up being all white (thus empty). Currently, I tried to use BitBlt, whereas some other page suggested the use of WM_PRINT - both might not work with mIRC it seems. Or I'm simply doing-it-wrong(TM).

Would anyone happen to have a few pointers or code snippets to get me started on this? Or is there probably another preferred way on getting HICONs/HBITMAPs from PicWins into one-owns DLL?
Any help on that would be appreciated!

- BhaaL