The problem lies within the haltdef. My testcase will prove this: if you comment out haltdef, the tip shows up like it should.
Is this a joke ?
Ok you know that haltdef is halting the mirc default behavior. You're setting some highlight in mirc option (that affect the mirc default behavior)
You're using an on text event with haltdef so mirc won't do anything and complaining that mirc should do something ?

edit :
but if I can't write a script that uses haltdef (or some alternative) and allows highlighting to function properly... well I see that as a significant loss of control and flexibility.
That's the problem, why would you want to use haltdef if you want mirc to execute his option, you can't have both, that's why /echo have some switch (-l here)

Last edited by Wims; 05/12/09 07:38 PM.

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