Maybe you didn't read it correctly. All it writes to the ini file is asctime and the channel name.

So you are saying this person here would make a channel named #$version ? And somehow that would evaluate to mirc's version number? Then what?

Look, if you have a malicious server or ircop, they are going to do whatever they want to you regardless. And on a sockopen you dont sockwrite join commands.

So get sick attempting to correct people. Maybe you can better explain your concern with this code.

I found a mistake in my code.

on *:join:#:{
if (%nk_track) && (!%nktrack_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]) {
writeini nicktrack.ini Names $nick $asctime(HH:nn dd/mm/yyyy) #
set -u5 %nktrack_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

on *:text:*!seen *:#:{
if (%nt_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ] > 4) || (!%nk_track) return
if ($readini(nicktrack.ini,names,$2)) msg # $nick seen: $ifmatch
else msg # I haven't seen $nick .
inc -u3 %nt_ [ $+ [ $nick ] ]

menu menubar,channel {
$iif(%nk_track,$style(1)) Nick Tracker:{ $iif(%nk_track,unset,set) %nk_track $true }

In the text event I used $nick for the $readini. It should have been $2.