so i have this script, that download a Script from a mysql server.
it put the script from mysql into a txt file, and load it.

so thinks looks good, there inst any errors in the script. Not at all.

but mirc have like just loaded it as plain text. it dont recognize that the text is a mirc script. and the "check brackets" dont do any think to it.

If i add/change a char in the script, when it is loaded. i recognize the script. and every think is good.

problem is, that i need it to do it all manually

mysql script, gat gathers the script from mysql:
    var %sql = SELECT * FROM script WHERE botid = ? AND scriptnavn = ?
    var %res = $mysql_query(%track.db, %sql, $2, $3-,)
    write -c $qt($mircdir $+ $3- $+ .txt)
    write -c text601.txt
    var %myok $mysql_fetch_all(%res, text600.txt)
    write text601.txt $remove($read(text600.txt,n,1),$2 $+ $chr(9) $+ $3- $+ $chr(9))
    write $qt($mircdir $+ $3- $+ .txt) $replace($read(text601.txt,n,1),\x0d\x0a,$crlf)
    load -rs $qt($mircdir $+ $3- $+ .txt)
    mysql_free %res

and this i how the script from mysql looks in remote

on *:text:*:#: {
if ($nick isop #NesH.cPanel) && ($chan == #NesH.cPanel) {
if ($1 == !reklame) {
notice $nick !setlines - !addreklame - !delreklame - !reklamelist
if ($1 == !setlines) {
if ($2 == $null) {
notice $nick ERROR: !setlines <linger der er mellem reklame>
notice $nick lines er lige nu: $readini(reklameL.ini,data,lines)
else {
if ($2 isnum) {
if ($2 < 74) {
notice $nick tallet skal være støre end 74
if (75 <= $2) {
writeini reklameL.ini data lines $2
notice $nick Lines er nu sat til $2
else {
notice $nick ERROR: <linger der er mellem reklame(skal være et tal)>
if ($1 == !addreklame) {
if ($5 == $null) {
notice $nick ERROR: Det skal være en sætning på mindst 5 ord
else {
writeini reklameL.ini reklame reklame $+ $calc($ini(reklameL.ini,reklame,0) + 1) $2-
notice $nick reklame er nu gemt
if ($1 == !reklamelist) {
var %x 1
while (%x <= $ini(reklameL.ini,reklame,0)) {
notice $nick ReklameList: ( $+ %x $+ ) $readini(reklameL.ini,reklame,$ini(reklameL.ini,reklame, %x))
inc %x
notice $nick reklamelist done
if ($1 == !delreklame) {
if ($2 == $null) {
notice $nick ERROR: du skrev ikke hvad for en reklame du ville slette
else {
if ($2 isnum) {
if ($readini(reklameL.ini,reklame,reklame $+ $2)) {
remini reklameL.ini reklame reklame $+ $2
notice $nick reklamen er nu sletet
else {
notice $nick reklamen findes ikke..
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
alias checklines {
echo @lines $time [ % [ $+ [ lines [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] ]
if ($readini(reklameL.ini,data,lines) < [ % [ $+ [ lines [ $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] ]) {
if ([ % [ $+ [ reklamenr $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] == $null) {
set %reklamenr $+ $1 1
if ([ % [ $+ [ reklamenr $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ] > $ini(reklameL.ini,reklame,0)) {
set %reklamenr $+ $1 1
echo -a hej
var %xH [ % [ $+ [ reklamenr $+ [ $1 ] ] ] ]
echo -a d %xH
var %xH $ini(reklameL.ini,reklame,%xH)
echo -a %xH d
msg $1 $readini(reklameL.ini,reklame,%xH)
inc %reklamenr $+ $1
set %lines $+ $1 0
on *:part:#: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
on *:join:#: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
on *:mode:#: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
on *:rawmode:#: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
on *:nick: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan
on *:quit: {
inc %lines $+ $chan
checklines $chan