so im here again :P
but to keep all in 1 topic...

this is alias to load all those txt file names into dialog list

*ID 3 is listview

alias -l loadnotes { 
  did -r notes 3
    var %tempnotes $qt( $+ $sorttok($findfile($mircdirnotes,*.txt,did -a notes 3,did -a notes 3 $gettok($deltok($nopath($1-),-1,46),2-,32)),32,nr))
  did -ra notes 6 $sorttok($findfile($mircdirnotes,*.txt,0),32,nr) notes

and since all is loaded to list sorted by number (date)
i wish to it be sorted from newest to oldest
so i used $sorttok and reversed
but nothing is happening :P

any direction what i did wrong would be apreciated laugh

Last edited by vinifera; 15/07/09 10:03 AM.