As you all know, /amsg sends a message to all channels you are on on the specified server. However, there are some people who use this command quite excessively and it can become increasingly annoying. Yes, I am aware that they can simply be kickbanned/muted/forced to load a script that ensures that AMSGs don't reach the specific channel but having a default mIRC command that adds channels to an "exclude" list or something of the like would be quite convenient. Obviously it is scriptable, as are around 80% of the suggestions on this forum but it would be a feature that would be quite useful to have on a blank copy on mIRC seeing as common sense/intelligence (and thus the ability to load a script) is inversely proportional to annoying AMSG usage.

Add a command or a switch like /amsg -h #CHAN (network) that would add #CHAN to an "exclude" list where when /amsg is called, the message won't reach the specified channels.

For consistency's sake, it would be best to add the same features to /ame, /qmsg, /qme, /omsg, /onotice and any other commands I have missed but /amsg (and perhaps /ame) are the only commands where the suggestion might be practical enough to implement.

Last edited by Kol; 08/06/09 02:01 PM.