The problem is the fact that at the time of joining, all users are regular users. No one has ops, half-ops, voice, admin, etc. at the time of joining.

What you can do is to use a timer to delay the check if the person is opped or not. In fact, that appears to be what you have attempted to do, but your timer line is incomplete.

on !*:join:%help.chan:{
  .whois $nick
  .timer 1 5 check_ops $nick $chan
alias -l check_ops {
  if $1 !isop $2 {
    if ( $readini(uhelp.ini,config,stat) ) {
      writeini uhelp.ini $2 $_n1($1) help
      .notice $1 Please wait for your turn as we are busy right now. You will be voiced automaticly when we finish with the current guests. You are number $ini(uhelp.ini,$2,0) in line. Thank You