Some possibler souces of error:
- $1 (in the regex) will be only the first word, so the script won't take the whole line to calculate caps (if the first word is "I", the script will fire).

- The regex looks weird and does not work, e.g. " $regex(TEST,/[A-ZΑ-ΩΔΦά]/g) " returns 0. Maybe a problem occured in pasting the code.

Edit: Now, here in "normal text", I do see these greek letters - but the code in code tags showed like like &#[i]916 etc and copy-pasting the code kept it that way.
Anyway, [A-Z] should be sufficient as the char class if the OP wants a caps check for english smile[/i]

Another possible problem:
You'll hit the variable length limit after a while because the variables (list of nicks) are set permanently (not for example via "set -e"). A hash table with nick (or some mask) as item and the No. of caps abuses as data could make up a good alternaitve. It would as well allow some automatic unset (e.g. after several hours)