Sorry for the late reply. I tried the first method and it didnt work. This is what I get when I search for the On &^* Quit message:

on &^*:quit:{
var %c = $comchan($nick,0)
while (%c) {
var %e = $thmev($comchan($nick,%c))
if (%e isnum 0-1) { %e = -ti12c quit $comchan($nick,%c) }
elseif (%e == 2) { %e = -sti12c quit }
elseif (%e == 3) {
%e = -sti12c quit
echo %e                  11• $nick $thmbr($address) has quit 15IRC
%e = -ti12c quit $comchan($nick,%c)
elseif (%e == 4) { goto skip }
echo %e                  11• $nick $thmbr($address) has quit 15IRC
dec %c
if (%qryevent) && ($query($nick)) && (q isin %qrytypes) {
echo -ti12c quit $nick                  11• $nick $thmbr($address) has quit 15IRC

And the Image I just went on google and found the one that resembled what my problem was.

As for the script:
//echo -a default quit setting is: %thmevnt.default.quit

I couldnt find it anywhere in my script.

Last edited by Deezmon; 30/04/09 08:21 PM.