Ok, it is working.

However, I am now wondering if there is a way, that...

mirc can scan a folder, go into each folder, go into a specific file within each folder and change the same line in each.

A snippet of the code I would like to do this:
      elseif ($1 == !enable) && ($2 == games ) && ($3 == $null) && ($read(games.enabled.txt,w,$chan)) { /write -ds $+ $chan games.enabled.txt | msg $chan 3Games enabled for $chan | /write -l114 "C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\Web\my\ $+ $remove(#,$chr(35)) $+ \ $+ $network $+ \index.html" <p>Games - Enabled</p> }

So, say the complete location is: C:\Documents and Settings\Sean's\My Documents\Web\my\its-meme\iNetwork\index.html and there is another folder: \its-meme\network2\index.html

So, because the chat #its-meme is on iNetwork and network2, if they enable games, then it is only going to write it to the network it was done on, and, it will make the other network incorrect.

The files in each folder are very similar, they will have the same number of lines etc. Just wondering if there is a way to change line 114 in the index.html file in both the iNetwork and network2. when that command is run.