ok to get a list of the nicks that are away for a nicklist i have made this is what ive done

first u must /who the channel to get a list of all nicks then from that list u search for a G in the raw thats returned
like this:
raw 352:*:{
  if (G isin $7) { set -u8 %Away.Nicks $addtok(%Away.Nicks, $6, 32) }
  elseif (G isin $7) { set -u8 %Away.Nicks $deltok($findtok(%Away.Nicks, $6, 32)%Away.Nicks, $6, 32) }

then from there ive went thru that along with the remainder of the nicks to set special icons for away nicks and ops voices and so on by doing this .....

alias fillnicklist {
  if %nicklist == On && $active ischan {
    did -ra %dnamenick 1 1 Chatters %countnicks
    %sn = 1
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) && $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) == _D3m0n_ { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 7 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if ($istok(%Away.Nicks,$nick($chan($active),%sn,a),32) == $true) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 6 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 2 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) ishop $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 3 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isvoice $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 4 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isowner $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 5 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isreg $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 1 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto one }
    %sn = 2
    while ( $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) != $null ) {
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) && $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) == _D3m0n_ { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 7 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      if ($istok(%Away.Nicks,$nick($chan($active),%sn,a),32) == $true ) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 6 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two } 
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isop $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 2 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) ishop $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 3 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isvoice $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 4 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isowner $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 5 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      if $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) isreg $chan($active) { did -a %dnamenick 1 0 + 1 0 0 $nick($chan($active),%sn,a) | goto two }
      inc %sn

just copying these snippets of code will not give u a real nicklist but i think this should give u a decent idea of how to do this in yours

btw kingtomato sorry i dont thinki clicked on the right nick to show this to so i apologize in advance if this was an error
