I made it check all the users in the channel for being on your op list, if you get ops after requesting it. Untested - hope it works smile
; if someone joins a channel that is on your op list, and it's not yourself joining (the ! prefix)
on !op:join:#: { 

  ; you're oped: give op tp that nick
  if ($me isop $chan) { mode # +o $nick }

  ; you're not oped
  else {

    ; set a variable "%oprequest.<channel>" to remember "I requested ops here"
    ; the variable unsets after 10 seconds
    set -eu10 $+(%,oprequest.,#) 

    ; and request ops
    msg juicer op pass

; you get ops in a channel
on me:*:op:#: {

  ; it's by request (there was a variable set)
  if ($var($+(oprequest.,#))) {

    ; loop the addresses of all users in this channel (internal address list)
    var %n = 1
    while ($ialchan(*,#,%n)) {

      ; if the address of the currently looped user matches a mask in the users list with level "op"
      if ($ulist($v1,op)) {

        ; nick is the first chr-33 delimited token of the address
        var %nick = $gettok($ialchan(*,#,%n),1,33)

        ; if this nick isn't already oped: give ops to that nick
        if (%nick !isop #) { mode # +o %nick }

      inc %n

(You can remove all the comments of course)

Alternatively, for
basically when ever i am 'oped' i want to op every one on my op list

on me:*:op:#: {
  var %n = 1
  while ($nick(#,%n,a,o)) {
    if ($ulist($ial($v1),op)) { mode # +o $nick(#,%n,a,o) }
    inc %n

if you get ops it loops the non-opped users of the channel and gives op to those who match your oplist. Won't trigger for joining users of course. Also note that it's using the internal address list again, which may not hold addresses of users who joined before you did and said/did nothing since then. Especially don't expect it to work if you get ops right after joining.