hi has anyone got a good fast way of listing files
right now im using $findfile but its realy slow
sumtimes theres over 10000 files to list and it takes hours to do

heres my code right now

alias que {
  if ($hget(Files,0).item) { hfree Files }
  var %dir = $$sdir($mircdir,Select Dir) , %loop = 1 , %time = $ticks
  echo Please Wait Adding Files To Que
  while (%loop <= $findfile(%dir,*.*,0)) {
    if ($right($findfile(%dir,*.*,%loop),4) !== .NEW) { hadd -m Files %loop $findfile(%dir,*.*,%loop) | var %total = $calc(%total + 1) }
    inc %loop
  echo Added %total Files To Que In $round($calc(($ticks - %time) / 1000),0) Seconds

please help thanks