Originally Posted By: argv0
You already have the functionality provided by a dll you mentioned. Is that specific DLL being marked as a virus by AV programs? If not, then this is not an issue. Given that the code is already there, I see no reason why you wouldn't take advantage of it.

I think what it comes down to is this:

Khaled implemented DLL support for it to be used. DLLs are a way for scripters to extend and implement the program without Khaled needing to waste resources on a problem that might not be a priority for mIRC. This sounds like exactly that situation. Somebody took advantage of this feature and you now have the functionality you need-- barring comments from the script author claiming the dll is unmaintainable and won't work with future updates, I see no reason why Khaled should re-implement code that already exists.

Whilst I agree that Khaled shouldn't add every feature under the sun, there are some things that simply would work better in mIRC.

Additional dialog controls are one such feature.

Let's say you were able to create a treeview directly in mIRC, it could be as simple as this:

dialog x {
  title xyz
  size -1 -1 300 300
  option dbu
  treeview 1, 0 0 300 300, haslines linesatroot hasbuttons

This is much more portable and easy to work with than different coding styles that you have to use when working with dlls. Somebody could simply copy/paste this into their script editor and open that dialog, rather than have to go and download the necessarily dll, and you wouldn't have to write a bunch of aliases to call the dll either.

I realise this example isn't 100% related to this post, but it's just one such example I feel would be better implemented in mIRC, even if the functionality is already in existing dlls.