this is everything i've got that has to do with this info. the info gets sent via socket here:

alias -l sendfilenext {
var %queuespace = $calc(16384 - $sock($sockname).sq)
if ( %queuespace isnum 1- ) {
bread %sendfile %sendpos %queuespace &temp
if (%sendfile == $pws_htdocs $+ imggallery.html) { brepbytes &temp $+(%,_IMG_GALLERY_,%) $new_img_gallery }
sockwrite $sockname &temp
inc %sendpos %queuespace
if ( %sendpos >= $file(%sendfile).size ) {
sockmark $sockname
.remove $pws_temp $+ $sockname $+ .tmp
.remove $pws_temp $+ $sockname $+ _c.tmp
;unset %sendfile %sendpos
.timer 1 1 sockclose $sockname
unset %inuse
else { aline @pws 4 %sendpos >= $file(%sendfile).size  }
else { aline @pws 4 %queuespace isnum 1-  }

alias -l new_servers_channels {
bunset &fii &fiinick
var %nsc = <b>Currently Active:</b><br><b> $+ $scid($activecid).network ( $+ $scid($activecid).me $+ ): $active $+ </b><br><br>
return %nsc $bvar(&fii,1,$bvar(&fii,0)).text

alias -l list_all { .scon -at1 list_chan }

alias -l list_chan {
bset -t &fii $calc($bvar(&fii,0) + 1) <b> $+ $network ( $+ $me $+ )</b><br> <table>
var %a = 1, %b = $chan(0)
while %a <= %b {
var %c = 1, %d = $nick($chan(%a),0)
while %c <= %d {
bset -t &fiinick $calc($bvar(&fiinick,0) + 1) <option> $+ $nick($chan(%a),%c).pnick $+ </option>
inc %c
bset -t &fii $calc($bvar(&fii,0) + 1) <tr><td><select size="8">

bcopy &fii $calc($bvar(&fii,0) + 1) &fiinick 1 -1

bset -t &fii $calc($bvar(&fii,0) + 1) </select></td><td><b> $+ $chan(%a) $+ </b><br>---Topic: $chan(%a).topic $+ <br>---Mode: $chan(%a).mode $+ <br>---Key: $chan(%a).key $+ <br>---Limit: $chan(%a).limit $+ <br>---Users: $nick($chan(%a),0,a) <b>(@: $nick($chan(%a),0,o) $+ ;%: $nick($chan(%a),0,h) $+ ;+: $nick($chan(%a),0,v) $+ )</b></td></tr><tr><td>&#160;</td><td>&#160;</td></tr>
bunset &fiinick
inc %a
bset -t &fii $calc($bvar(&fii,0) + 1) </table>