
Long time user here and would like 2 things for mIRC that might improve usability. I use an addon script (nnscript) that enhances mIRC a lot for multiple networks, etc, but it doesnt do everything. For being on a lot of networks with a lot of channels, it would be nice if the join on connect and minimize on join had a blanket option so you could set it to just join on connect and/or minimize on join for every chan.

Additionally with the script it allows 'themes' for mIRC which basically pull from mIRC's one color table. The issues that arise from this is when channel bots post messages or people post a message in a specific color. Many times with certain themes the color will become unreadable if its the same color, or it will be colors that look wierd or don't make sense for the purpose of the bot, ie) pickup games that use a bot which post colored teams. I can modify the table to change this but then that will affect other things as well, such as the user list color, among other things. One such solution would have two separate color tables, one in which themes can pull from and one that remains normal mIRC (default), which would allow all incoming messages to appear their normal color, or allow the incoming message color to be modified apart from the theme that changes everything else. I had a long discussion about this with some scripters and basically it is only changeable if mIRC itself changes, ala allow pulling from two different color tables.
