Use $iif conditions to build a switch.
In addition, you could show the current group status per $group(Name).status, or indicate the current group status with $iif and $style, or change the menu text ("name the switch") according to the group status...
Three examples:

menu channel {
  .Toggle Protection : $iif(($group(#prot).status == on),disable,enable) #prot

menu channel { 
  Protection $+([,$group(#prot).status,]) : $iif(($group(#prot).status == on),disable,enable) #prot

menu channel {
  $iif(($group(#prot).status == on),$style(1)) Protection 
  .$iif(($group(#prot).status == on),disable,enable) Protection : $iif($group(#prot).status == on,.disable,.enable) #prot