I need to paste in a dialog window a little list like this:

Item 1 = dog
Item 2 = cat
Item 3 = mouse
Item 4 = cow

Then I would use the "echo" command only with the second line.
I tried this solutions:

on 1:dialog:xdialog:edit:*:{ set %xcontent $did(1).text }
on 1:dialog:xdialog:sclick:100:{  
%test1 = $gettok(%xcontent,2,$cr)
%test2 = $gettok(%xcontent,2,$lf)
%test3 = $gettok(%xcontent,2,$crlf)
/echo -a /msg %test1 %test2 %test3 

But none of the test# variable works.
Any ideas?

I found this old topic but $lf doesn't seem to work