Thank you smile instead of start a new post i ask here wink i know goto aren't the best to use, but what if i have a part of a alias i want to be triggered if the nick is in a list. What else could i use?
alias test {
  if (%var >= 3) && (%f != 1) { do stuff }

  ;------ skip everything down to start if $cexcctcp = $true
  if ($cexcctcp == $true) { goto start }
  ;------ skip everything down to start if $cexcctcp = $true

  if (%f == 1) { return }
  if ($readini(test.ini) == Disabled) { do stuff }
  elseif ($readini(test.ini) == High) { do stuff }
  elseif ($readini(test.ini) == Normal) { do stuff }
  echo -a rest of code here

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }