with file handling; both for the tempfile (multiple $read >>> $fread) and outfile (multiple write >>> fwrite)
; /listinfo [nick|address|IP|mail]

alias listinfo {
  if ($findtok(nick address IP mail,$1,32)) { var %column = $v1 }
  else { echo -a Syntax: /info [nick|address|IP|mail] | return }

  if (!$hget(ipinfo,1).item) { echo -a table "ipinfo" is empty. }
  else {
    var %tempfile = $qt($+($mircdir,IPinfoDump.txt))
    var %outfile = $qt($+($mircdir,Report_IPInfo.txt))
    var %denote = Nick: Address: IP: eMail:

    ; dump table to tempfile
    write -c %tempfile
    hsave -i ipinfo %tempfile

    ; sort data in tempfile
    write -dl1 %tempfile
    filter -ffct %column 44 %tempfile %tempfile

    ; fopen outfile
    if ($fopen(listinfo.out)) { .fclose listinfo.out }
    .fopen -o listinfo.out %outfile

    ; fwrite heading lines to outfile
    .fwrite -n listinfo.out Report runtime: $+($asctime(ddd mmm dd @ HH:nn:ss),.) There are $lines(%tempfile) item(s) listed.
    .fwrite -n listinfo.out Report compiled by: $replace($1,ip,IP address,mail,E-mail) 
    .fwrite -n listinfo.out $str(-,30) $crlf $crlf

    ; fopen tempfile
    if ($fopen(listinfo.temp)) { .fclose listinfo.temp }
    .fopen listinfo.temp %tempfile

    ; loop lines of tempfile
    while ($fread(listinfo.temp)) {
      var %read = $gettok($v1,2-,61), %line, %t = 1
      ; insert denotations
      while ($gettok(%read,%t,44)) {
        var %line = $addtok(%line,$gettok(%denote,%t,32) $v1,44)
        inc %t
      ; fwrite lines to outfile; sortby-column in first place
      tokenize 44 $deltok(%line,%column,44)
      .fwrite -n listinfo.out $gettok(%line,%column,44) >>> $1- $crlf

    ; fclose tempfile and outfile
    .fclose listinfo.*

    .remove %tempfile
    run %outfile

with ~600 test items, it took ~650 ticks (instead of previously ~1650 ticks) on my system, of which ~500 are consumed by hsave -i