I am sorry to keep reposting this but it sucks it no longer works. I changed my site from a flat file database to mysql database and this script quit working along the way. It still works but the search part is usless..it just gives the same results..the first few videos on the site...If anyone can help me please i am begging frown It makes my site better
My site is www.TORMENTED.TV
Its a music video site not to far from the likes of a youtube or something...Just better laugh

on *:text:!tsearch*:#:tsearch $nick $2-
alias -l tsearch {
  set %tsearchnick $1
  set %tsearchstring $replace($$2-,$chr(32),+)
  sockopen tsearch tormented.tv 80
on 1:sockopen:tsearch:{
  if ($sockerr) { 
    echo 4  -- Socket Error! --
  var %s = sockwrite -n $sockname
  %s GET $+(http://www.tormented.tv/search.php?query=,%tsearchstring,&x=0&y=0&search=1) HTTP/1.1
  %s Referer: tSearch-mIRC-script(User: $+ $me $+ )
  %s Host: tormented.tv
  %s Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
  %s Connection: Keep-Alive
  %s Cache-Control: no-cache
on 1:sockread:tsearch:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  sockread %temp
  if ($sockbr == 0) return
  if (%temp == $null) %temp = -
  if *<b>* - Not Found</b></div>* iswm %temp {
    notice %tsearchnick 04 $nohtml(%temp)
    sockclose tsearch
unset %tsearch*
  elseif <a href='video.php? isin %temp {
    notice %tsearchnick 03 $remove($gettok(%temp,6,39),images/,.jpg) (12http://www.tormented.tv/ $+ $gettok(%temp,2,39) $+ 03)
  elseif *<font face='Georgia'><a href='search.php?query=*&p=2* iswm %temp {
    notice %tsearchnick 03 More results available try 12http://www.tormented.tv/search.php?query= $+ %tsearchstring $+ &p=203 for more
  elseif %temp { noop }
  else {
    sockclose tsearch
    unset %tsearch*
alias -l nohtml {
  var %x, %i = $regsub($1-,/(^[^<]*>|<[^>]*>|<[^>]*$)/g,$null,%x), %x = $remove(%x,&nbsp;,$chr(9))
  return %x

Last edited by ToRmEnTeD; 09/11/08 04:11 PM.

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