Ok, got it. Done a bit of debugging, seems to have worked fine.

alias -l scramble {
  var %a,%b $1
  while ($numtok(%a,32) < $len($1)) var %a $addtok(%a,$r(1,$len($1)),32)
  return $regsubex(%a,/(\S+(?: |$))/g,$mid(%b,\1,1))
alias -l s_new {
  var -g %s_word $read(words.txt),%s_scramble $scramble(%s_word)
  msg $1 The scrambled word is: %s_scramble $+ . Type !guess to guess
  msg $1 You have [20] seconds.
  .timerscramble 1 20 s_fail $1
alias -l s_fail {
  msg $1 No one got it! The word was: %s_word
  msg $1 Time for new word...
  unset %s_word
  .timerscramble 1 3 s_new $1
alias -l s_cleanup {
  .timerscramble off
  unset %s_word %s_scramble
on *:TEXT:!scramble &:#: {
  if ($2 == start) {
    if (%s_scramble) notice $nick The game is already going... Type !word to see what the scrambled word it is
    else s_new #
  elseif ($2 == stop) {
    if (%s_scramble) {
      msg # Game stopped by $nick $+ .
on *:TEXT:!guess &:#: {
  if (%s_word) {
    if ($2 == %s_word) {
      msg # Great work $nick $+ ! You correctly guessed the scrambled word was: %s_word
      msg # Time for new word...
      unset %s_word
      .timerscramble 1 3 s_new #
    elseif ($2 != %s_word) msg # Wrong $nick $+ , try again. You have [[ $+ $timer(scramble).secs $+ ]] seconds left.
on *:TEXT:!word:#: if (%s_word) notice $nick The scrambled word is: %s_scramble $+ , you have [[ $+ $timer(scramble).secs $+ ]] seconds left.

Commands are:

!scramble start - start the game
!scramble stop - stop the game
!guess WORD - guess a word
!word - tells you the current scramble word

Make sure you have the wordlist you supplied me saved in words.txt in your $mircdir.