Well, when a player joins a game server, this is produced from a bot in the channel called #CnR|LV

[23:16] <%CnR|LV> Bill(3) Has Joined Cops & Robbers v4.3 Visits: 0

Bill = Player name
(3) = Player ID

I want to be able get the number in the brackets (ID), and then use it in a "!getip <ID>" command to be sent to the channel #admin.

Which then another bot will show that players IP.

I came up with this,

on *:text:*Has Joined Cops & Robbers*:#CnR|LV:{
msg #admin !getip

Than here I am stuck. I don't know what to put after !getip.

Somebody help me, either with this code or re-write it to make sense and work please ?

Could you also explain what you have done just to help ? If not its okay.

