I do:

//echo -a $+($iconpath,%theme.cdelimiter,.jpg)

I get the answer:

I:\New test\scripts\images\icons\14.jpg

i test this line in the dialog:

icon 46, 39 14 10 10, $mircdirscripts\images\icons\14.jpg

that line working, now i test this line:

icon 46, 39 14 10 10, $+($iconpath,%theme.cdelimiter,.jpg)

and i get the error

* /dialog: 'theme' invalid table, in 'icon' 46 (line 32, theme.mrc)

how come? the path is right, the 14.jpg file are the same as when i wrote out the path, the $iconpath return $mircdirscripts\images\icons\ . and the %theme.cdelimiter return 14 , and i add the .jpg to the end, so shouldent be a problem there, someone that care to explain?

if ($me != tired) { return } | else { echo -a Get a pot of coffee now $+($me,.) }