I'll reignite this post to save another thread.
It's the same as before really, i haven't scripted in ages so i've lost it a bit crazy

I want the same thing, but my join event has changed

on !^*:Join:#: { 
  if ($ialchan($wildsite,$chan,0) > 1) {
    var %i 1
    while $ialchan($wildsite,$chan,%i).nick {
      var %i = %i + 1,%m $v1
      if (%m != $nick) var %cl = $addtok(%cl,%m,44)
    echo -i21 # 09> $str($chr(160),4) 09joined $str($chr(160),3) 00 $+ $nick 14..14 [09 $+ $replace($address,.,14.09,@,14@09,-,14-09) $+ 14] 14[00 $+ $numtok(%cl,44) $+ 14]
  else {
    echo -i21 # 09> $str($chr(160),4) 09joined $str($chr(160),3) 00 $+ $nick 14..14 [09 $+ $replace($address,.,14.09,@,14@09,-,14-09) $+ 14] 

I can't seem to get the mouse over now