ok i got this back after doing /timers
* Active timers:
* Timer uptime 60s delay /updateuptime (network.name.net)

the way you see it here is the way its on bot. should i have anything different ? thnx

alias repeat {
if $timer(rpt1) { .timerrpt* off }
else {
var %rpttime $calc( $input("How far apart in minutes?,qeo) * 60)
.timerrpt1 0 %rpttime msg #fun_with_fta test message1
.timerrpt2 0 %rpttime msg #fta4dummies test message2
.timerrpt3 0 %rpttime msg #the-help-channel rest message3
.timerrpt4 0 %rpttime msg #the-ops test message4
.timerrpt5 0 %rpttime msg #bot_testing_channel tes message5
msg #fun_with_fta test message1
msg #fta4dummies test message2
msg #the-help-channel rest message3
msg #the-ops test message4
msg #bot_testing_channel tes message5