I've been trying to fix, re-fix, re-write, re-re-write and re-fix this script for some days now and i can not figure out why i can't get the name out of the HTML:
Php Code:

alias somealias {
  sockopen somealias some.com 80
  set %playerid $1-
  set %host_url /host.php?id= $+ %playerid

on *:SOCKOPEN:somealias: {
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET %host_url HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: somehost.com  
  sockwrite -n $sockname Connection: Keep-Alive
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:somealias:{
  if ($sockerr > 0) return
  var %temptext |  sockread %temptext
  if (<img src="hlstatsimg/flags/.*\.gif" style="border:0px;" alt=".*" title=".*">\&nbsp;<b>.*</b> iswm %temptext) { echo -a %temptext }
on *:sockread:somealias:{
  if ($sockerr > o) return
  sockread %temptext
  var %tmpexp <img src="hlstatsimg/flags/.*\.gif" style="border:0px;" alt=".*" title=".*">&nbsp;<b>(.*)<\/b>
  if ($regex(%temptext, %tmpexp)) { echo -a $regml(1)

  unset %playerid
  unset %host_url
  sockclose somealias

I've edited out the alis names, web host and stuff.

What i am trying to do is:
Get Player ID from input (ex: /somealias 528 for id 528)
Add it to the host url as page.php?playerid=528
That works fine.

Then I am taking all the HTML from the page, looking for the line that includes <img .. flag/(flag_name_here).gif> alt="country name" title="country name">
<b>My name(in this case z4nd)</b>

that seems to be in %temptex, but i can not get the reg-ex functions to work and find the data i need to echo out (doesn't have to spam the channel, but can change that later on)

How do i remove the html, get the name and echo it all out?
I've been reading up on reg-ex and mirc reg-ex functions, looking at other scripts and all kind of suff, but can't seem to get it right.
Sockets really is my nemesis.

Side question (can look into that later, doesn't have to be answered): Would it be possible to make it into a small function, so i can take whatever data i need?
like Name, rank, points, as long it's on the site.