This will use your current text file for badwords hash table. Please note that your current text file must contain one bad word per line, or this code will not work properly

I have included !bwadd, !bwdel and !bwlist as well as taking into account if someone tries to use the commands with out all of the required parameters, as well as if they try to send the command using colour, bold, underline, reverse text, etc.
on *:start:{
  if !$hget(Badwords) { .hmake Badwords 100 }
  if $exists(Badwords.txt) {
    .hload -n Badwords Badwords.txt
on *:text:*:#:{
  var %bw.code = $strip($1-)
  %bw.code = $replace(%bw.code,$chr(44),$chr(32))
  tokenize 32 %bw.code
  if $1 == !bwadd {
    if !$2 {
      .notice $nick Usage: !bwadd <list of bad words to be added, space or comma separated)    
    else {
      tokenize 32 $2-
      var %a = $0
      while %a {
        if !$hfind(Badwords,$($+($,%a),2),1).data {
          .hadd -m Badwords $calc($hget(Badwords,0).item + 1) $($+($,%a),2)
        dec %a
      .hsave -n Badwords Badwords.txt
  elseif $1 == !bwdel {
    if !$2 {
      .notice $nick Usage: !bwdel <list of bad words to be deleted, space or comma separated)    
    else {
      tokenize 32 $2-
      var %a = $0
      while %a {
        .hdel Badwords $hfind(Badwords,$($+($,%a),2),1).data
      dec %a
    .hsave -n Badwords Badwords.txt
  elseif $1 == !bwlist {
    .hsave -n Badwords Badwords.txt
    .msg $nick Warning the Badwords file currently has $hget(Badwords,0).item entries
    .play $nick Badwords.txt