Here's something that should get you going:
alias parseusermodes {
  * Fill the two variables below accordingly.
  * When connected normally, mirc provides
  * this information via $nickmode and $chanmodes
  * but you can't use those in sockets. Ideally you
  * should be getting them from the 005 raw, if supplied
  var %nickmode = $nickmode
  var %chanmodes = $chanmodes
  hfree -w usermodes
  hmake usermodes 10
  var %i = 1, %sign
  while $mid($1,%i,1) != $null {
    if ($v1 isin +-) %sign = $v1
    else {
      var %mode = $v1
      if $2 != $null && %mode isincs %nickmode {
        var %oppsign = $mid(-+,%sign $+ 1,1)
        hadd usermodes %sign $+ %mode $addtok($hget(usermodes,%sign $+ %mode),$2,32)
        hadd usermodes %oppsign $+ %mode $remtok($hget(usermodes,%oppsign $+ %mode),$2,32)
        tokenize 32 $1 $3-
      elseif ($matchtokcs(%chanmodes,%mode,1,44) != $null && $&
        ($findtokcs(%chanmodes,$v1,44) isnum 1-2 || ($v1 %sign == 3 +))) $&
        tokenize 32 $1 $3-
    inc %i
  ; done parsing, now just display the user modes
  %i = 1
  while $hget(usermodes,%i).item {
    %mode = $v1
    if ($hget(usermodes,$v1) != $null) {
      var %nicks = $v1
      echo -a %mode : %nicks
    inc %i
  hfree usermodes
You can test it like this:

/parseusermodes +ooim-lv Adam comperr decay

/.timerQ 1 0 echo /.timerQ 1 0 $timer(Q).com