Hi ATMA, yes it`s possible, as i have done this with a script i`m currently working on
I will give you an example code, but you should be able to follow it and create your own.

menu channel {
Buttons n Icons:dialog -m buttonicons buttonicons

dialog buttonicons {
  title "icon n' buttons"
  size -1 -1 122 52
  option dbu
  text "An example dialog with an icon used as a button", 1, 1 1 120 8, center
  icon 2, 5 20 16 16, mirc.ico, 0
  icon 3, 50 20 16 16, mirc.ico, 0

ON *:DIALOG:buttonicons:[color:red]SCLICK[/color]:[color:green]2[/color] {
  echo -a Icon 1 was clicked on

ON *:DIALOG:buttonicons:[color:red]SCLICK[/color]:[color:green]3[/color] {
  echo -a Icon 2 was clicked on

Paste that into your Remotes section of mIRC (ALT + R, to bring up the remote editor)
To see teh dilaog in mirc, use the right mouse button to bring the popup menu for the "Channel Menu"
You should see the words "Buttons n Icons"

This code uses the SCLICK event to let mIRC know you have clicked on an icon and uses id numbers 2 & 3, you can also use .BMP`s too.

Replace the echo -a Icon blahblahblah with whatever your script needs, be it a new dialog opening up, playing a wav file or whatever.

I hope you can understand that and my choice of colours. laugh
And i hope that is what it was you asked for


Never argue with an idiot...they'll drag you down to their level and beat you up with experience