Ok then you could use this. This line checks that $3 is a number and then uses a iswm to look for .add * in $1- and even checks if theres anything in $4- to make sure there wasnt too many paramters typed.
on *:text:.add*:#:if ($nick == hayden131) && (!$4-) && ($3 isnum) && (.add* iswm $1-) $1-

Anyhow I really really should be asleep, hours ago so I apologize for making this short but I need to get to kicking my butt into bed.

*Edit* This doesnt check if the nick is in the channel and I forgot to add the if $nick == hayden131 so I threw that in and yanked an echo -as I accidently left. I really shouldnt try and do hurry before bed postings but atleast I caught it all within a few seconds. Anyhoo, good luck. *Edit*

Last edited by Typos; 14/08/08 03:42 PM.

I've gone to look for myself. If I should return before I get back, please keep me here.