Can someone please help me finish this dialog to work with this code?


alias -l SW { return fuck.bitch.asshole }

on @*:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) return
  var %x $strip($1-) , %i $numtok($SW,46)
  while (%i) {
    if ($istok(%x,$gettok($SW,%i,46),32)) {
      raw -q mode # +b $wildsite
    dec %i

alias { dialog -dmn SW SW }

  Swear Words Protection ( %SW )
  .Set On:%SW = On | echo 10 -ta Swear Words Protection On
  .Set Off:%SW = Off | echo 10 -ta Swear Words Protection Off

dialog SW { 
  title "Swear Words Protection" 
  size -1 -1 148 167
  option dbu
  button "OK",10, 117 150 25 11, flat ok
  list 11, 9 15 125 95, sort, size, vsbar
  box "Enter Swear Words To Ban.", 5, 5 5 135 110
  edit %SW,12, 4 132 139 12, autohs
  button "Add",13, 5 150 25 11, flat
  button "Delete",14, 33 150 25 11, flat
  text "Enter Swear Words.",20, 4 120 138 8, center
  button "ON", 333, 89 150 25 11, flat
  button "OFF", 334, 61 150 25 11, flat

on *:dialog:SW:init:*: {

on *:dialog:SW:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 333) { .enable #SW ON | echo -a $asctime([HH:nn]) * 10Swear Words Protection Is Now 15«4Enable15» }   
  if ($did == 334) { .disable #SW Off | echo -a $asctime([HH:nn]) * 10Swear Words Protection Is Now 15«4Disable15» }