I have a small script that uses an on INPUT event to run another command inside a query window for the ChatOps/NaChat options of Unreal on a network I oper on. The script used to work in one of the previous versions of mIRC (I don't recall which). It would use haltdef after sending the chatops or nachat command, and wouldn't process sending a privmsg to the non-existent nick. In 6.33, it ignores the haltdef and still tries to send the privmsg. The mIRC help file says to use halt, so I tried that, with the same results. Here is the script in it's entirety:

on ^*:SNOTICE:*:{
  if (chatops isin $2 || netadminchat isin $2) {
    query $iif(chatops isin $2, ChatOps, NaChat)
    echo -tmi2 $iif(chatops isin $2, ChatOps, NaChat) 02 $+ $2 $3 < $+ $remove($5, :) $+ >04 $6-
on *:INPUT:*:{
  if ($target != ChatOps && $target != NaChat) return
  var %cmd = $iif($target == ChatOps, co, na)
  if ($mid($1, 1, 1) != $chr(47) || $ctrlenter) {
    %cmd $1-
  else {
    if ((/say isin $1) && !$ctrlenter) {
      %cmd $2-
    if ((/me isin $1) && !$ctrlenter) {
      %cmd * $2- *
alias co chatops $iif($left($1, 1) == :, :) $+ $$1-
alias na nachat $iif($left($1, 1) == :, :) $+ $$1-

Those halts used to be haltdef before. When I type anything into a query window for NaChat or ChatOps, it sends the correct chatops or nachat command, but also sends the privmsg, which I don't want. I don't currently have a way of testing previous versions of mIRC to see when it stopped working right.