Thoughts? If you like the UI of a particular chat client, keep using it and be happy.

This behaviour is scriptable in some primitive manner, but mostly doesnt jive well with builtin support because the buffer space is not separated into nickname | text and it probably wont be. Also, where would you put timestamps? Would you right align those as well? How would you deal with echoing text without a nickname prefix? How would you deal with scripting and customizing text from nicknames? Many technical issues would need to be considered. The primitive way to script, this, btw, is to just override ON TEXT and add N-$len($nick) hard-spaces before the nickname where N is some max value (chosen from the longest name in the nicklist or via the 005 NICKLEN reply). of course all it does is right align the nickname, it doesnt align the next-line to some margin.

This is really a philosphical UI thing.. mIRC and XChat have their own philosophies... pick the one you like best. I personally hate clients that assume I'm too dumb to separate a nickname from the text they write. In fact, when all lines of text start from the same point it makes it *harder* rather than easier for me to decipher when the previous line ended and who said what. Of course, that's just me.. but that's also why I use mIRC, not XChat.

- argv[0] on EFnet #mIRC
- "Life is a pointer to an integer without a cast"