I found this bug, regarding nick changes and whois... When I try to do /nick [Dan] I get [Dan] Nickname is already in use. However, when I do /whois [Dan] I get the following :
{DAN} is sh3ly@ * omis
{DAN} on #Disconnect #severin
{DAN} using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld
[Dan] End of /WHOIS list.
Please note the last line. {} it's replaced with [].
/Whois {Dan} appears normal as following:
{DAN} is sh3ly@ * omis
{DAN} on #Disconnect #severin
{DAN} using *.undernet.org The Undernet Underworld
{Dan} End of /WHOIS list.

An other bug would be that when I did /whois [Dan], the whole /whois reply appeared in Status Window, only the last line appeared in Active Window, as all performed /whois should appear into.

mIRC version is 6.32. OS : Windows XP.

I hope you'll fix the bug and keep me informed. Thanks.

Last edited by Fobia; 10/07/08 08:47 AM.