Note that these were just some scribbles that i just jotted down as a basic outline for what needed to be done wink

1) Setting a countdown(info):
;;;;first we need to set a date that we want to count down till:
//set %watchdate $ctime(31/10/02 21:00:00)
;;;;this will give us a time in seconds (EG: 1035528114)
;;;;Then we want to get the time remaining till then:
//echo -a $duration($calc(%watchdate - $ctime)) (simple way)
//echo -a $duration($right($left($duration($calc($ctime - %watchdate)),-4),-1)) (long/hard way)
;;;;This will give us a time in "weeks, Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds" format
;;;;;;;;;;;NOTE: We can Specify A N Parameter for $duration(seconds,N)
;;;;;;;;;;;Setting N to 2 will return the result less the seconds...


Hope it helps you get a boost in the right direction smile