I couldnt find at the moment anything related to this problem so here goes:

Here is a piece of code...
alias doRandom {
  var %y = $1
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %y) {
    if ($r(1,4) == 1) var %x = $r(a,z) 
    if ($r(1,4) == 2) var %x = $r(A,Z)
    if ($r(1,4) == 3) var %x = $r(0,9)
    if ($r(1,4) == 4) var %x = $r(a,Z)
    var %res = %res $+ %x
    inc %i
  echo -a %res

And here is 5 lines of output via /doRandom 50
(Colors added manually of course)


And the list goes on pretty much like this.... the longer the line is the worse it gets....

For example with 100 chars:

So the question is: what happened with random?
Why it generates so much identical sequences?

From Wikipedia:
Randomness versus unpredictability

Randomness is an objective property. Nevertheless, what appears random to one observer may not appear random to another observer.

Is that the reason or is mIRC (or me) messing something up?

echo -a $signature