What I did is improved it, corrected its functionality, and removed redundant/repetitive code.

If you (or the OP) wants it to be physically smaller (fewer lines), remove the blank lines and recondense the lines with $& . Personally, I don't code that way because it is mode difficult to read because lines are all bunched together and some extend beyond the right edge of the script editor.

Code that is smaller, yet functionally the same:


alias power {
  var %an = 0, %ao = 0, %ah = 0, %av = 0, %ch, %cs = 0, %n = 0, %nn = $scon(0)
  while (%n < %nn) {
    inc %n 
    scon %n
    var %c = 0, %cc = $chan(0), %cs = $calc(%cs + %cc)
    while (%c < %cc) {
      inc %c
      if ($me isop $chan(%c)) inc %an $nick($chan(%c),0,a,o)
      elseif ($me ishop $chan(%c)) inc %an $nick($chan(%c),0,a,oh)
      if ($me isop $chan(%c)) inc %ao
      if ($me ishop $chan(%c)) inc %ah
      if ($me isvoice $chan(%c)) inc %av
  scon -r
  msg $active $+($_a(Connected Here Via:) $_b($server),$_a(. I Have:) $_c(%ao,%cs) $_a(Ops) $_c(%ah,%cs) $_a(Help-Ops and) $_c(%av,%cs) $_a(Voices. I Am On) $_c(%nn) $_a(Network $+ $iif(%nn != 1,s) $+ .) $_a(I Have Control Over) $_c(%an) $_a(Mortal Victims.) $drdev_pwrlogo 7By $drdev_teamlogo)
alias _a return $regsubex($1-,/([\s-]|^)([a-z.])/gi,$+(\1,15,\2,14)) $+ 
alias _b return $+(10< 12,$1-, 10>)
alias _c return $+(10< 04,$1,$iif($2 != $null,$+(3/04,$2)), 10>)
