;mass join 

on @*:JOIN:#: { 
  if (%mjoin == on) { 
    set -u3 $+(%,nflood.,#) $addtok($($+(%,nflood.,#),2),$nick,44) 
    set -u3 $+(%,ipflood.,#) $addtok($($+(%,ipflood.,#),2),$mask($fulladdress,2),32) 
    if ($gettok($($+(%,nflood.,#),2),0,44) == $iif(%max.join,%max.join,4)) { 
      if (j !isin $chan(#).mode) { mode # +mR } 
      .timeromg.kick. [ $+ [ # ] ] -m 1 1500 omg.kick # 
alias omg.remode { 
  mode $1 $replace($channel($1).mode,+,-) 
  $+(.timerub,$1) 1 $iif($($+(%,b.time,$1),2),$($+(%,b.time,$1),2),60) cb $1 
alias omg.kick { 
  kick $1 $($+(%,nflood.,$1),2)  $+ $r(0,14) 4ERROR 6Detect 7: 4Massjoin 12|[14 $chan 12]|  12|[ 4• The Secure Protection • 12]|  ) 
  var %loop-a = 1 
  while ($gettok($($+(%,ipflood.,$1),2),%loop-a,32)) { 
    %bb = %bb $gettok($($+(%,ipflood.,$1),2),%loop-a,32) 
    if ($modespl == $numtok(%bb,32)) { mode $1 $+(+,$str(b,$gettok(%bb,0,32))) %bb | %bb = "" } 
    inc %loop-a 
  if (%bb) { mode $1 $+(+,$str(b,$gettok(%bb,0,32))) %bb | %bb = "" } 
  $+(.timerx,$1) 1 0 unset $+(%,*,flood.,$1) 
  $+(.timercbm.,$1) 1 $iif($($+(%,m.time,$1),2),$($+(%,m.time,$1),2),30) omg.remode $1 
alias cb { 
  var %b = 1,%nban = "" 
  while ($ibl($1,%b)) { var %nban = $addtok(%nban,$ibl($1,%b),32) 
    if ($modespl == $numtok(%nban,32)) { mode $1 $+(-,$str(b,$gettok(%nban,0,32))) %nban | %nban = "" } 
    inc %b 
  if (%nban) { .mode $1 $+(-,$str(b,$gettok(%nban,0,32))) %nban | %nban = "" } 
menu menubar,channel { 
  .»mass join« $chr(9) $iif(%mjoin == on,on,off):set %mjoin $iif(%mjoin != on,on,off) | %omg.lg = 0mg! Mass Shiled. | echo -a $+($chr(3),07,•) Info : • massjoin •  $iif(%mjoin == on,on,off)   1,4ÑÒ W1,8ÒMÁÑ Ñ1,3Ò Ç®ÿ
  .»max join« $chr(9) $iif(%max.join,%max.join,4):set %max.join $input(Set Limit Join,e) | if (!%max.join) { set %max.join 4 }  1,4ÑÒ W1,8ÒMÁÑ Ñ1,3Ò Ç®ÿ
  .»mode time« $chr(9) $iif($($+(%,m.time,#),2),$($+(%,m.time,#),2),500):set $+(%,m.time,#) $?="Set limit Timer ban (Contoh 500)" | echo -a $+($chr(3),07,•) Info : 9Timer Ban telaH Di set0,12 $chr(9) $iif($($+(%,m.time,#),2),$($+(%,m.time,#),2),500) 9saat  1,4ÑÒ W1,8ÒMÁÑ Ñ1,3Ò Ç®ÿ
  .»unban time« $chr(9) $iif($($+(%,b.time,#),2),$($+(%,b.time,#),2),500):set $+(%,b.time,#) $?="Set limit Timer Unban (Contoh 500)" | echo -a $+($chr(3),07,•) Info : 9Timer unban telah Di set0,12 $chr(9) $iif($($+(%,b.time,#),2),$($+(%,b.time,#),2),500) 9saat  1,4ÑÒ W1,8ÒMÁÑ Ñ1,3Ò Ç®ÿ

whats the wrong thing with it..
it works well but sets mode: +mR
then -smntR < set all room modes
how can i do it only -mR ? thnxxx