This is the method im using from my Dj Studio script i made I recently started to sort my actual folders instead of everything being togheter so now when I do happen to click on lets say Mp3 which has lick Rock,Trance etc... has folders inside it doesnt let me execute the mp3's

this is my method of use

%dj.path = $$sdir(C:\,Select Mp3 dir) | noop $findfile($qt(%dj.path),*.mp3,0,did -a $dname 1 $nopath($1-))


.splay -p $+(%dj.path,$did(1).seltext)

I store the path then use $findfile to loop through the mp3 dir, which works on single dir access but not to a few dirs.

I want no path in the list, i know if I would allow a path anything could be executed.

To anyone that helps thanks ahead.

if $reality > $fiction { set %sanity Sane }
Else { echo -a *voices* }